Anoka MN Tree Removal Service
Have you seen evidence of emerald ash borer in your ash trees? Do you have the dead or damaged trees at your Anoka MN home or business removed? Pioneer Tree Service can also inspect your trees, remove any damaged limbs, and provide tree restoration services by our ISA Certified Arborists and MN Certified Tree Inspectors.
Other Tree Services from Pioneer Tree Service
With over 30 years of experience serving customers in and around Anoka County, Pioneer Tree Service offers the following tree services:
- Tree Removal
- Stump Removal / Stump Grinding
- Disease Treatment and Prevention
- Storm Cleanup
If you have oak trees with dead or damaged limbs that you would like to have removed, please call Pioneer Tree Service at (763) 238-5254 to setup an appointment. Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids and the surrounding areas have a large amount of oak trees and now is the time to setup an appointment to have these damaged oak tree removed before they become a hazard.
Emerald Ash Borer in Ash Trees
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was confirmed to be affecting trees in Minnesota several years ago, and thousands of ash trees around Anoka County and the Twin Cities area have had to be removed because of this infestation. The University of Minnesota Extension web site has a wealth of information about the Emerald Ash Borer, including ways to help identify if your ash tree has been infested with the Emerald Ash Borer -
If there are dead ash trees on your property, the University of Minnesota Extension Service recommends that all ash trees and limbs from ash trees are properly disposed of by a professional arborist and not moved. Moving ash tree limbs or logs that are infected with EAB will only help the spread of the disease.
Oak Wilt Treatments Certified
Oak wilt can be treated through the use of fungicide injections in the very early staged of oak wilt. Fungicide injections can also be done to oak trees near an infected tree know to have Oak Wilt. These injections to treat oak wilt should only be done by a certified tree professional.
Call Pioneer Tree Service at (763) 238-5254 to setup an appointment. Anoka County and Sherburne County have the highest concentration of oak wilt in Minnesota, and it is important to identify and treat your trees immediately. Call today or fill out the appointment request form on this page.
Blog Categories: Anoka Tree Service, Blaine, MN Tree Removal, Tree Removal
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