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Oak Wilt Suppression - Shut Down Oak Wilt

Mar 21, 2024      Share:  

If you notice dead or dying oaks on your property, call the Oak Wilt Specialists at Pioneer Tree Service at 763-238-5254 or fill out the Request An Appointment form to schedule a visit and see if oak wilt management can work for you.

Root Plowing for Oak WiltThis initial oak wilt consultation is free and you will be given a cost estimate. Winter is the best time to remove oak trees and trim oak trees, because the sap beetles responsible from spreading oak wilt are dormant in winter.

Oak Wilt Treatment

Steps to manage oak wilt NOW:

Early Signs of Oak Wilt
Early Signs of Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt Kills
Oak Wilt Kills

An Experienced Oak Wilt Treatment Company

Looking for a reputable tree service with extensive experience in treating oak wilt? Pioneer Tree has over forty 5 Star reviews on Google, is the trusted tree removal service throughout Anoka County and has certified arborists on staff. Call 763-238-5254 today to schedule an appointment. Below are some of the 5 star reviews for our tree removal customers in Anoka and Sherburne counties.

Have used them 4 times in the last 9-ish years. Recommend. They know their stuff. No complaints.
5 Star Tree Removal Review
5 star review from Google

Pioneer Tree Service took down three large trees that were not easy to get to and did a wonderful job... I would highly recommend them!
5 Star Tree Removal Review
5 star review from Google

Schedule your tree trimming appointment for your Oak Grove, Nowthen, St. Francis or Zimmerman location today by calling (763) 238-5254 or by filling out the appointment form on this page.

Blog Categories:  Oak Tree Care, Fall Tree Care, Oak Wilt