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Protect Your Elm Trees from Dutch Elm Disease

Sep 15, 2022      Share:  

Has Dutch Elm Disease shown up in your neighborhood? Fall is a good time have the MN Certified Tree Inspectors at Pioneer Tree Service treat your healthy Elm trees and prevent Dutch Elm Disease from spreading in your yard or lot. A telltale sign that a tree is infected with Dutch Elm Disease is leaves on one or more branches turn yellow, wilt and then turn brown.

Dutch Elm Disease Treatment Anoka, MN Photo
Yellowing and browning leaved are signs of Dutch Elm Disease.

Common Questions About Dutch Elm Disease

1. What is Dutch Elm Disease? Dutch Elm Disease is caused by a fungus that can affect all varieties of elm trees native to Minnesota. It is highly contagious between elm trees (spread by elm bark beetles when they are feeding) and can kill the trees.

2. What does Dutch Elm Disease look like in a tree? The most common symptom visible in an Elm tree is a sudden wilting or drooping of leaves, often on a single branch or limb (called 'flagging'). Flagging leaves quickly turn from green to yellow and then to brown as the fungus blocks the tree's water supply.

3. Can Dutch Elm Disease be prevented? Fungicide can be injected into elm trees as a preventative treatment. A certified arborist must supervise the fungicide injection procedure.

More information on Dutch Elm Disease and how to protect your trees can be found on the University of Minnesota Extension website.

Elm Trees Can Be Proactively Treated to Help Prevent Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm Disease must be treated proactively before the disease is present in the tree. Once a tree is infected with Dutch Elm Disease, it is almost always fatal to the Elm tree. Pioneer Tree Service can try to prevent the spread of Dutch Elm Disease through the removal of dead Elm trees now, and through preventative injections in healthy trees.

Do you have an Elm that died this year? Pioneer Tree Service specializes in dangerous and hazardous tree removals, with the experience and the right equipment to safely and efficiently remove the dead elm from your property (and to stop the spread of the disease to other healthy Elm trees). Pioneer Tree Service also leaves your lot or yard cleanup up nicely after the tree removal too!

Treating Elm trees to prevent Dutch Elm Disease in Anoka County, MN

Blog Categories:  Dutch Elm Disease, Tree Disease Treatment, Ham Lake, MN Tree Services